
Viewing 5 posts - 201 through 205 (of 229 total)
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  • #54399
    Nandini B
    Rank: Level 2

    Basically stock market is to trade with shares..

    Umasankar Muthurathinam
    Rank: Level 2

    <p style=”text-align: right;”>Investors trading shares through brokers in stock market.</p>
    <p style=”text-align: right;”></p>
    Stock market settle the traded shares and money related to that shares.

    Praspan Janagiraaman
    Rank: Level 2

    The benefits of going to a stock market are easy liquidity (large number of buyers and sellers)  and regulatory framework (SEBI).

    Rank: Level 3

    According to me people go to stockmarket to multiply their money (as simple as that) depending on their traing amount,it allows you to play in wide range of investment.


    its easily acessebile or user friendly

    it is adopted with the online transactions which reduced the peoples effort

    Very minimal amount can also be invested expecting for some returs

    It provides us an great platform for trading


    Rank: Level 2

    It gives public a great opportunity to invest in business with limited in capital like for example in your opinion INFRA companies will do great business as government is going to increase the spending on infra-structure by 5 or 6 times, hence their profits are going to be double you can think of buying shares of infra structure companies. Recently after the victory of Donald Trump pharmaceutical companies having exposure to US market had a sharp increase in their price as it was anticipate as there would be some de-regulation. So all these investing opportunities are possible if there is stock market and public can benefit without actually starting a company.

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