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  • #60724
    Rank: Level 4

    Investment is the initial amount to start a business. It may be small scale business or large scale business. It starts from thousands to crores of investment. With initial amount you can start and run the business continuously and if stabilized you can run permanently.

    Trading is the share market business. The investment cost is very low, as the minimum share price is Rs.10/-. Buying and selling shares from the stock market through broker is the trading.  Knowledge and discipline are the main keys to do this business successfully.

    Seenu Babu
    Rank: Level 2


    Equity Cash – buying and selling after couple of Month/Year.


    Equity Cash – buying and selling in a same month.

    Rank: Level 5

    Investments are very long term perspective and trading are short term.

    Shashank Vemuri
    Rank: Level 3

    Investment is gradually building up wealth over an extended period of time though buying and holding of shares.

    Trading is a short term where buying and selling of shares happens often. The return is higher when compared to investments.


    Issa Fathima Jasmine
    Rank: Level 2

    Investment – Holding shares for a long time

    Trading – Buying and selling shares within a short term.

Viewing 5 posts - 351 through 355 (of 491 total)
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