
Viewing 5 posts - 411 through 415 (of 486 total)
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  • #71664
    Supriya Rayabhagi
    Rank: Level 5

    We need Stock market because its the place where the buyers and sellers of the stock meets to transfer their share of the companies listed in the exchange.

    Aravind T
    Rank: Level 5

    We need stock market to provide an opportunity to trade shares – that is buying and selling of shares.

    Rank: Level 4

    We need share market  is the place where we can buy and sell the shares because the company will not give you the money and it can only be exchanged in a share market

    VaibhaV SeshananD
    Rank: Level 3

    Stock market is necessary for the buyers and sellers to exchange their stocks in a standard manner without any confusions. It also eradicates the presence of Middle-man and his influence in the price of the stocks.

    Darshan Arvindbhai Shah
    Rank: Level 4

    the reason is very simple

    as we need vegetable markets to buy or sell vegetable

    fruit market to buy or sell fruit market

    fish market to  buy or sell fish market


    we need a share market to buy or sell

    shares of the company



Viewing 5 posts - 411 through 415 (of 486 total)
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