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  • #72573
    Aravind T
    Rank: Level 5

    Share Holder:

    Share holder is the holder or owner of the stock- a part of the ownership of the company.



    A promoter is the person who kick starts the company or the founder of the company.



    The director is the person who aids in running the company and takes important decisions about the future of the company.

    Rank: Level 4

    Share holders – They are the owners of the company since they own stock of that company

    Promoters – Who initially found or promoted the company and necessarily not a owner now since he would have sold the company for profits etc.,

    Director – Who presently runs the show of the company and a captain of the ship. Usually has some shares of the company

    VaibhaV SeshananD
    Rank: Level 3

    Share holder is the owner of the company, A promoter is the one who promotes the company in-order to attract investors and finally the director of the company is the one who makes decisions and is appointed by the owners of the company.
    A Director usually hold some stocks of the company and will have a dual role of Owner and Director, but it is not mandatory.
    A share holder is a owner of the company but he has no rights to claim with respect to the company and he can’t even claim for a refund if the company performs poorly.

    Darshan Arvindbhai Shah
    Rank: Level 4

    who ever holds the shares of the company is called share holder

    share holder is having ownership right

    promoter are those people who has opened the company

    they may have shares may not because in some cases promoter has exited the company by selling there shares

    generally promoter have huge stake in the company and not necessary to be in the management  function also

    but generally promoters are seen at very hight post of the company or may be the boards of directors of the company

    while Directors , MD , CEO, CFO etc are in managements of the company these are the people who runs the show

    but that doesn’t mean that they are owner of the company but they might have some stake of the company by owning shares of the company

    Rank: Level 4

    Share Holder:

    If a person has a share of a company then he is considered as a share holder. Share holder is one of the owner of the company but he doesn’t have any right top lead the company.


    Promoter is a person who initiated the company from the beginning.That person may not be the owner of the company.


    The future plans of the company made by the director.The person may or may not be the owner of the company.He is the person who runs the company.

Viewing 5 posts - 406 through 410 (of 472 total)
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