Viewing 5 posts - 256 through 260 (of 395 total)
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  • #52573
    Rank: Level 3

    The time depends on the quoted bid/ask price. In case the value quoted is first in the standing list, it will be executed immediately.

    GK Pai
    Rank: Level 5

    It depends on trade price that we entered. If we entered a market price it will happens within a fraction of seconds. Other wise it depends on market to reach the our trade price.

    Guruswamy P
    Rank: Level 2

    the dealing is taken place between 9.00 to 3.30 PM and the settlement is taken place after 4 PM in the same day

    Rank: Level 4

    trade takes place in a fraction of second but it depends on the buyer and seller satisfaction price

    Aravind Bose
    Rank: Level 3

    If both the buyer and seller are satisfied with the share price then the deal would be made but the settlement would be made only after 3.30 pm of every market working days.

Viewing 5 posts - 256 through 260 (of 395 total)
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