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  • #10239
    kumaravel r
    Rank: Level 4

    To maximize returns

    Rank: Level 2

    With little investment a trader can derive profit from futures/call/put.

    Sangeetha Subramaniam
    Rank: Level 3

    These trading instruments like futures, put and call will enable traders to make profit with  future price movements and with less investment

    Short position can only be created in the derivative market, which is an advantage for the trader when he forecasts that the stock market is going to be bearish.

    Futures/call/put are derivative markets needed by traders to optimize their profits and hedge their losses. If the traders can forecast future market scenario,they can make money out of it.


    Maria Alex
    Rank: Level 4

    For any trader, the futures/options market gives a great opportunity to multiply their investments with minimal investment if he/she is able to predict the future price of the underlying asset.

    Having some n% of amount in hand, a trader can enter into trading in futures market.

    Mainly the futures/option call/option put derivative instruments are used to do hedging for high profit with high risks. If a trader is best in analyzing  the future price movements of any asset then he must enter into derivative market for potential gain.

    kumaravel r
    Rank: Level 4

    To maximise his profit with the same amount of investment

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